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Gluten Intolerant? Here’s How You Can Stay Healthy

Published June 26, 2019

If your body doesn’t respond well to gluten, it can be challenging to avoid the range of products and foods that might trigger an allergic reaction or other unpleasant symptoms. […]

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Does Testosterone Therapy Make You Sterile? The Truth About Preventable Male Infertility

Published June 25, 2019

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can be life-changing. Widely recognized as the best treatment for low testosterone, TRT can significantly improve mood, energy, and libido, helping you feel like yourself again. […]

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Being There: How to Support Your Partner During Menopause

Published June 21, 2019

It’s easy to be a partner during easy times. That’s a simple statement, but being long-term partners with someone is sometimes relatively straightforward. Things are normal, and you both know […]

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How to Treat Mood Swings During Menopause

Published June 20, 2019

Mood swings are some of the least-understood aspects of menopause—and the most misrepresented. While pop culture representations of menopause tend to center specifically on mood, they typically treat menopausal women […]

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The Best Daily Supplements for Skin Care

Published June 17, 2019

Does your skin care routine involve slathering your skin with oils and creams? If so, that’s not a bad idea. But have you thought about what you can do to […]

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3 Reasons Women Need Probiotics Every Day

Published June 14, 2019

Probiotics have grown in popularity these days—with very good reason! They are linked to tons of health benefits and are beloved by doctors and wellness enthusiasts alike. There are so […]

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How Do You Know if Your Cortisol Levels Are Low?

Published June 13, 2019

Your body has a mechanism we know as “the fight or flight” instinct. You’ve felt it. When a situation becomes alarming, your body readies for action and your focus turns […]

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The Connection Between Low Testosterone and Depression Opens Up Treatment Options for Men

Published June 11, 2019

Most people know that testosterone is a critical part of physical wellbeing. However, a growing body of research suggests that this multifaceted hormone can also play a role in mental […]

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Should You Be Using Workout Supplements?

Published June 10, 2019

If you’re looking to get healthy, stay fit, achieve weight loss, prevent muscle loss, work on body composition, or make serious muscle gain, you probably know that nutrition—vitamins and minerals—is […]

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Dealing With Low Testosterone?

Published June 7, 2019

This Men’s Health Month, it’s in your best interests to take some time to learn all about testosterone—including the symptoms of testosterone deficiency and the potential remedies that can support […]

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In the News

  • By BodyLogicMD Admin More than 20,000 emergency room visits a year have been linked to dietary supplements according to a new study published in The New England Journal of Medicine. The study is groundbreaking documentation of the severity of injuries and hospitalizations associated with dietary supplements each year. Though the crackdown on advertising and manufacturing … ContinuedRead More
  • Large study finds achieving adequate testosterone levels through testosterone therapy significantly reduces risk of heart attack and stroke. The debate over the safety of testosterone therapy may fizzle with recent findings. Late in September 2015, the results of a Veteran Affairs database study made headlines, finding that men with low testosterone—also dubbed “low T”—whose levels … ContinuedRead More
  • Survey finds only 12 percent of women seek any form of treatment for relief of menopausal symptoms. However, there are now more safe options for relief than ever before—so why aren’t women seeking treatment for menopause? Some women are afraid. Some women believe they can “just live with it.” Some women worry about the expense. … ContinuedRead More


September 10, 2024

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) for Hormone Imbalance in Women: A Path to Wellness with BodyLogicMD

Hormonal imbalances can dramatically impact a woman’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being. As women age, their hormone levels naturally fluctuate, leading to uncomfortable symptoms that can disrupt daily life. Bioidentical […]

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